Saturday, March 12, 2011


oh MUET..alahaiii me so muet result was totally suck...i just got band yang atas 1 dan bawah 3..haha..maluu bodoh...makk please dont open the envelope..let me see it first...thanx syful coz help me hantarkan and ambik kan slip muet..jasa mu ku kenang..ok muet story is about hujan yang x pandai is very cold here and makes me being very lazy to take a bath...ssssshhhhhh!!..

taaadaaa..non stop raining...hujan yang turun sagat lah bahagia tetapi turut membawa keburukan di mana bilik aku atap bocor! bodo UPK LEMBAP! org dh complain berkali2..sik juak datang2..baik bako jew la upk tu...kejam siyh...

poor roof!!...

disebabkan hari sejuk..please say no to ice..i need hot water..i would like to drink a cup of tea..slurrpppp...nyaman gilak aik teh panas dipolah oleh kawan rumate aku...ok since it was always raining..umbrella is really important stuff right now..people need umbrella because to protect themself from being sick..fuhhhh so you need take a good care of yourself ok...

i like this colourfull...see it is uitm keep wondering who is the owner of this umbrella??..betapa bangga nya menggunakan payung uitm..if i were you, me also turut berbangga..haha uitm is always dihatiku!! truuuueee...oklah enough..bye-bye

*happy birthday to my little beraderrrr...i miss you bro...*

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