Thursday, September 9, 2010

Happy Eid ul-Fitr!!

Day: Thursday
Month: 30th day of Ramadhan..
Mood: tension and excited!!
Weather: heavy rain..
well very good evening and hello folks..i'm currently listening hari raya songs...yippi..tomorrow is hari raya..and today is the last day of ramadhan..i'm gonna miss sad..insyallah next year we meet again..all people rite now so busy preparing for hari raya...but me just sitting around, online, fb-ing, blogging and relaxing with doing nothing..haha i really don't know what to do...nobody asking me for, no need to help.. i have my own principle..i will not makes myself to go or help someone, unless he/ she asking me for so mean rite??..not mean..lazyyyy!! my mum and my sis is cooking now..anything about kitchen work..please don't let me do..because i don't know how to cook...others thing can..for sure i will help..i would love is the list thing that my mum asked me to do...

1) put all the duit raya in the envelope
2) iron baju kurung
3) simpan air tin dalam peti ais...
4) susun kueh raya and biskut..

haha..i think that's all..ringan kan kerja i??...i loikee...all that works already done by me yesterday..i can't wait for kan every time hari raya...sama jak setiap thn..tidak ada perubahan..sangat boring mcm ini...ermm maybe raya thn nie ade kowt..who's know ryte??..i hopes so...oh yeah this year i don't go shopping...tidak membeli kasut...huhu..sbb kasut lama lagi ok..masih bagus and still nice to use..oh my charles and keith and hush puppies!!..orait then, every year i raye kt kuching, sarawak...jarang balik kpg from my dad side..balik kpg pun time holiday dad pun kpg dkat kuala kangsar,perak...oh perak i miss you..haha...but sarawak tetap dihati..oklah esok hari raya..marilah kita ramai2 menyambut hari raya dengan gembira...dengan ini, selamat hari raya aidilfitri diucapkan..mintak maaf jika terbuat salah dengan sengaja or x sengaja, sesungguhnya sy hanya insan biasa yg x dpt melarikan diri dr kesilapan..nanti lepas raya buat lagi ok?..bye2..enjoy ur raya!!..selamat bersungkey semua!!..


  1. Selamat hari raya....fafa!!! ish3...anak tok..mok dipaluk mun xpandey masak aie...hehe...
    xpa bah..jnji kita ada tlg drpd kita goyang kaki jak nak...
    last kita berbuka aritok kan??Selamat berbuka dgn family tersayang ok..^^

  2. F..Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..jemput datang umah aaa..

    eh eh. beza kitak ngn mek..mek eh, slalu tolong mak kt dapo even xpndai masak..penat wooo!! :)

    but, i dont feel d mood of raya..BOORINGGG!!

  3. Nice sharing!
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